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IBD Specialist Nurse Survey
Date: 13 November 2024
The York and Scarborough teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are investigating the shortage of specialist support for men with IBD in regard to their sexual health & well-being via a quick survey of IBD & Stoma Specialist Nurses (takes about 15 mins, link as below, & there’s a prize draw). The study is HRA-approved & sponsored by York & Scarborough Teaching Hospitals.
Study Title: Developing an intervention to help nurses improve the assessment and care of the sexual health needs of men with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: a mixed methods study using co-production (the MenSH-IBD Study).
This survey is part of a larger study that aims to develop an intervention to help nurses improve the assessment and care of sexual health and well-being in men with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
In this survey we are collecting information on NHS nursing provision and the experiences of NHS nurses working in IBD. The survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting.
Documents for reference:
202408 MenSH Poster 2 v2.0 (clean)