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EXPASS (Exercise and Physical Activity after Stoma Surgery) recommendations


We are dedicated to developing formal recommendations for exercise and physical activity following stoma surgery.


Presently, there are no formal published guidelines regarding exercise and physical activity after stoma surgery. This absence of consensus among healthcare professionals leads to confusion and lack of support for patients. Our aim is to address this gap.


Under the auspices of ASCN UK, an expert panel is diligently reviewing existing literature, exploring clinical practices, and crafting formal Delphi consensus recommendations. These recommendations will cater to healthcare professionals and individuals undergoing surgery alike.


By the end of 2024, ASCN UK will publish a comprehensive document encompassing peer-reviewed Delphi recommendations. These recommendations will cover various stages of stoma surgery recovery, providing clarity, consensus, and practical advice based on available evidence and clinical expertise.

Progress To Date

  1. Keynote speech at the ASCN UK National conference in 2022 initiated conversations on the need for recommendations.
  2. Collaboration with John Gregory, the project manager of the NSWOCC recommendations.
  3. Formation of an expert panel comprising physiotherapists, exercise specialists, patients with lived experience, surgeons, and nurses.
  4. Secured vital funding from industry partners.
  5. Ongoing meetings, literature reviews, and scoping.
  6. Registration of project scope and protocol according to the PRISMA-ScR checklist.
  7. Planned presentation of initial recommendations and complete publication at the WCET/ASCN Joint Congress in Glasgow in 2024.

Utilisation of Recommendations

Our document targets healthcare professionals, nurses, physiotherapists, surgeons, and allied professionals, as well as fitness instructors, Pilates teachers, and personal trainers. It will be readily accessible on the ASCN UK website with printed copies available. We aim to disseminate the information through online and in-person seminars, with expert group presentations at relevant conferences.

Expected Benefits

  • Consistency in advice provided to patients, leaving no room for ambiguity.
  • A straightforward step-by-step process for a wide range of professionals to support patients effectively.
  • Enhanced confidence among healthcare professionals in providing correct advice.
  • Patients will have access to trusted sources of information referenced by their healthcare providers.

Latest Project News

ASCN UK Project Updates

EXPASS ASCN UK Best Practice Recommendations Industry update

30 June 2024

EXPASS ASCN UK Best Practice Recommendations Industry update – June  Read More

ASCN UK Project Updates

EXPASS ASCN UK Best Practice Recommendations Industry update

3 May 2024

EXPASS ASCN UK Best Practice Recommendations Industry update | March 25, 2024
First, we would like to thank you for your support with this . . .  Read More

ASCN UK Project Updates

EXPASS ASCN UK Best Practice Recommendations Industry update

31 March 2024

EXPASS ASCN UK Best Practice Recommendations Industry update – March  Read More

Support the Project

The ASCN UK is seeking expressions of interest from organisations who would like to support and jointly fund this project. Please complete the form below to register your interest in participating.

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Please add any comments including a non-binding estimate as to contribution your organisation would be willing to make.


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